Tuesday, July 3, 2007

OASIS club

OASIS is the organization only for person who are interested and whose pal is Science. It is a group of junior scientist that have abilities in the certain subject.
From all the OASIS members, the head of this certain organization will choose from its members who will compete in the Science Fair that held every year. OASIS club is doing their jobs to make the science club and science garden maintain its orderliness and cleanliness. OASIS is one of the clubs that helps our school to maintain its orderliness and its cleanliness. Also OASIS members are the models in being junior scientist and models in giving importance in technology and natural resources.
Sometimes OASIS club makes some inventions. They make their own improvise gadgets to observe some things. Sometimes they make experiments to compete in Science Fair Presconference.
Being an OASIS member is hard and difficult. There are many projects to do and there are many activities dealing with the told subject.

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